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  • Gigadoc 2's avatar
    remove dotbot · 0e243b2a
    Gigadoc 2 authored
    As i see it, dotbot doesn't net me anything: I am not using it's
    plugins, so it gives me dependencies (even if only a git submodule) and
    symlinks (the worse offender here) for no benefits over a pure git repo
    (with detached git-dir) in return. In particular, the
    adding-new-files-then-replacing-them-with-symlinks procedure is somewhat
    unpleasant for me. Bare git just allows me to add a file without moving
    it around, and on a new clone (just clone bare first) it can tell me the
    differences instead of leaving me to manually diff the files.
    One feature of a git wrapper that I would like is templating, for those
    cases where configs can't be scripted suitably. However, all the
    wrappers that do templating either impose too much on the repository
    structure and workflow (e.g. chezmoi) or require obscure dependencies
    that not even Arch has in its repos (yadm). Additionally, templated
    files on prinicple do not allow me to directly edit and commit the
    actual config file (the "result" of the template), which is a major
    PITA. So instead I think I will live with per-host symlinks for those
    cases where it cannot be avoided.