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  • Marco Gallardo's avatar
    Locator feature · 4aab8762
    Marco Gallardo authored
    added marker image for publisher, showing div for address, and added
    functionality to close it when clicking 'X' image
    showing marker image in publisher
    renamed map-marker to locator
    fixed style for map marker image in publisher
    added locator.js to get user's location
    loading google maps api
    removed unecessary append and showing location next to publisher
    moved location address inside div and  added image to close location
    styled div location address an image to close location
    removing location when clicking close image
    cleaned code
    cleaned code
    showing loader while location is being obtained, translated normal js to
    backbone structure, created locations db stuff, and removing location
    div when clicking 'share'
    refactored code; started to move code to backbone
    refactored js code; moving functionality to backbone structure
    created address function to make accessible address variable value
    refactored locator.js
    showing and removing location div from dom
    created location; it belongs_to status_message
    added location model and created association with status_message
    added hidden field for location address and added respective code on js files to retrieve it on ajax call
    saving location for status_message (post)
    removing location when sharing
    renamed locator backbone view to location, added template, showing
    location, and saving lat and lng
    prepared and added template to show location
    added location to post model in order to have it accessible in backbone
    retrieving location to show it in template
    removed console.log XD
    fixes when removing location
    cleanind location_address hidden field when location is removed
    more fixes; showing location when sharing
    saving location just when it exists
    created method to retrieve location address just when location was created
    fixed issue about showing 'Near from' message when there was not any location
    added style for location
    cleaned code
    renamed locator view
    retrieving lat and lng from locator.js
    saving lat and lng in location_coords
    saving lat and lng
    added style for input location_address
    removed location_address  hidden field; the value will be taken directly from input with the location
    replaced div with location for input; the user will be able to edit the place
    avoiding submitting the form when pressing Enter key on new input for location
    added missed spec file for location model
    refactored location_view code
    refactored location_view code
    cleaned code
    added sinon library for testing
    added describes for new publisher's view functions
    created test for destroyLocation function
    added test for showLocation publisher view function
    created test for avoidEnter publisher view function
    removed unnecessary div
    Created first test for locations view, added more specs, added Sinon.js,
    and fixed issue with assets
    loading locator.js for tests
    moved location stuff to app/assets
    moved locator.js and sinon.js to app/assets
    fixed route for images
    included locator.js to assets
    fixed issue when post object is different than StatusMessage; also fixed issue with lat and lng
    loading Sinon for specs
    refactoring locator errorGettingposition and start replacing google maps stuff with OSM
    added OpenLayers JS, osmlocator, and added them into the main js
    changing the locator from Google to OSM instance
    changing lat and lng value in the backbone view
    removing google javascript tag in application layout
    adding jasmine to locator test and removed locator.js
    adding jasmine to locator test using OSM
    adding Jasmine test to OSM locator
    removed locator.js
    removed require locator and updated schema
    fixed js response; added location
    since we are using OSM Locator we don't need locator-spec test
    fixed spec for location view; we are not using google maps anymore
    changed description of osmlocator-spec
    fixed issue with status-message-location template
    fixed style for location_address textbox
    fixed tests for locator
    moved split function to model
    created test for location model
    removed puts
    added effect for location marker
    added translations for locator
    removed conflicting-unnecessary lines that were loading files for specs
    removed sinon library; using sinon-rails gem
    removed useless code
    removed puts; added Rails.logger.error
    added sinon.js file
    added specific version of sinon-rails gem
    improving validations sintax
    using openlayers-rails gem
    removed 'google API' text
    using sinon gem
    isolating LocationStream view
    refactored validation
    getting location when post is a Reshare
    refactored code
    fixed aligment for elements under location message
    improved styling for location message
    refactored begin-rescue block
    getting absolute root instead of just the root
    added address method to retrive address of location
    removed code from Post model; also added descriptinon why it was removed
    removed validation when retrieving address; with latest refactorizations we dont need them any more
    interpolated location; using file in locales
    fixed width for div of location
    moved Sinon gem into development and test group
    fixed method's description
    added missed indexes
    updated schema with locations table
    removed openlayers-rails gem
    preventing location to be saved if there are not coordinates
    fixed spec; wrong closing tag